Bambú en Guatemala



Bamboo is a plant used in the fashion industry. Its vegetal fabric offers advantages for different garments and textile elements.
Sustainability and innovation often go hand in hand in the fashion industry. The production of garments with natural fabrics is having a greater boom in recent years. The care of the environment is not only an issue that is treated by politicians with the desire to obtain greater popularity but it is a necessity for all humanity.

Among all the natural fabrics today we will talk about bamboo. When we talk about this plant fiber, we quickly think of pandas. Thanks to this animal, the bamboo tree became globally famous, since pandas are always represented eating the leaves of this plant.

Bamboo, a sustainable plant

But how is bamboo harnessed to be used in the fashion industry? Compared to other popular and standardized raw materials such as cotton, bamboo has many advantages. Its fabric is a natural textile made from the pulp extracted from said plant. The bamboo used to produce fabrics is easily replenished and does not require pesticides to grow. It is considered one of the most sustainable plants because it grows quickly and does not require chemicals or watering.

The brands and companies that have innovated with this type of vegetable fiber work by dissolving the pulp in its cellulose component. And later it is spun into fibers to form bamboo rayon. The result can be used in basketry, hats, corsets, shoes and other types of clothing that require strong fibers.

The good thing about bamboo for businesses and fashion brands is that it is a plant that can be grown quickly. Something that would help reduce the fast fashion trends that are currently very widespread in the textile industry. It would also be necessary to assess the demand for this fabric among consumers. Meanwhile, some brands continue to innovate with an eye to the near future.