Bambú en Guatemala

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Greenhouse built from industrialized bamboo

The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (MAGA), José Ángel López delivered to the Agricultural Training School (EFA), of Jacaltenango, Huehuetenango a greenhouse built from industrialized bamboo, intended for the production of vegetable, flower and fruit growing pylons .

The project is aimed at promoting improvements in agricultural education to strengthen the academic and technical knowledge of 268 students at the basic and diversified level, especially in the area of ​​vegetable production under protected conditions.

The infrastructure covers an area of ​​320 square meters and was built with an investment of Q74 thousand, under the supervision of the Directorate of Regional Coordination and Rural Extension (DICORER), with the support of the Fund for International Cooperation and Development of the Republic of China. (Taiwan), ICDF Taiwan.

"At MAGA we are committed to working for EFA's students from all over the country, to promote the well-being of young people and the development of Guatemalan agriculture."

These facilities will also be used by MAGA's rural extension staff to train the 4,871 members of the 147 Learning Centers for Rural Development (CADER) in this municipality, in the areas of good agricultural practices and greenhouse management. family gardens and production systems, among others.

With the inauguration of this greenhouse, MAGA and the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) continue to strengthen the bamboo industrialization project, an initiative that began in 2014 to encourage the production and technical research of markets for this species throughout the world. country.

Currently, MAGA serves more than 250 bamboo producers in more than 1,600 hectares, through training and technical assistance on the transformation, production management of its derivatives, which in addition to producing raw material, contributes to improving the environment. environment.

At the national level, the extension agents of this portfolio provide technical support to producers of yellow bamboo, verticillata, maquinoy and guadua, species used to make fabrics and build houses, furniture and agricultural infrastructure such as greenhouses, pens for cattle and pigs and chicken coops.